Please read this important information about entertainment for the 2021 Cleveland Apple Festival, BEFORE inquiring about the festival. There is some new information for 2024
- Non-Pay Event – The Cleveland Apple Festival is a non-profit organization and all proceeds go back into local charities in our community. Because of this we cannot offer pay for performance at the Apple Festival. We do allow all performers to set up booths strictly for selling products such as CD’s and T-shirt, related to their performance. We DO understand that not all acts are willing to play for free and we appreciate that fact. If we had the finances we would pay every artist, but we are not in a position to do that. Please be aware of our no-pay policy BEFORE inquiring about the festival. While we do not offer financial support at this time, we do feel that our crowds of several thousand offer a good opportunity for exposure and we encourage groups to connect with the crowds after a performance.
- Schedule – the times on the schedule that show TBA are the available times.
- Please Follow Through or cancel in a timely manner – We understand that plans change and emergencies arise. Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot play.
- We do not reserve spots – We love and appreciate our returning acts! We have a number of returning performers that we love! However, please do not assume that you are scheduled, contact us to find out.
- If you are interested in performing, send samples of your work – We need links to videos, a CD or something to preview your performance before the festival. We cannot approve entertainment without this.
- Small Group Tickets – For performing groups with less than 7 we will give you one ticket per performer and one per guest.
- Large Group Tickets – For performing groups with more than 7 we only allow 1 ticket per performer and we will include a maximum of 4 extra tickets for coaches and helpers. Note: We cannot provide tickets for parents, family, guests etc., for large groups.
We SINCERELY appreciate all of our performers! We know you put a lot of effort and talent into what you do and we want everyone to have the best experience possible!
If you are interested in performing for the 2024 festival…
Use the contact info below to email us about playing (be sure to include links) or you can mail examples of your work.
Before sending, please look at the festival dates and make sure you are available on those days.
Entertainment Coordinator Team
c/o The Cleveland Apple Festival
Note: All materials sent are non-returnable.