NOTE: If you are interested in performing at the Cleveland Apple Festival, please carefully read this entire page before contacting us.
The Cleveland Apple Festival is Seeking Talent for the 2015 Cleveland Apple Festival.At this time we are focusing on bluegrass, bluegrass/gospel or bluegrass/traditional bands AND SIMILAR to perform. However this is not exclusive and all groups are considered.
Absolutely no crude or offensive material will be accepted.
The Cleveland Apple Festival™ is a non-profit charity organization, and as such we are looking only for acts that will donate their talents at no cost.
We understand that many artists cannot donate their time and talents for free, however due to the fact that we are a non-profit and all proceeds go to local charity organizations, we cannot pay for entertainment at this time.
Entertainment is allowed to set up a manned sales/informational table for the duration of the day they are performing at the festival (entertainer must provide all materials including table and chairs, electricity will not be available and artists are responsible for keeping tables manned at all times). Any items on table must relate directly to entertainment (namely CD’s or/and T-Shirts)
If you are interested in performing at the Cleveland Apple Festival, please send examples of your work (DVD, CD, web links) to the address below for consideration. Please be sure to include all contact information including a phone number and email address. Please note that we cannot search online for videos and if they are not included, the requests will most likely be discarded. So please be sure to include links or hard copies of your performances.
Before sending, please look at the festival dates and make sure you are available on those days.
Chris Cummings
c/o The Cleveland Apple Festival
935 Cloudview Place NE
Cleveland, TN 37312
Note: All materials sent are non-returnable.